Provisional Result of Written Test held on 19/06/2022 for the post of jr. Assistant (Grade III)
PROVISIONAL RESULT OF WRITTEN TEST HELD ON 19/06/2022 For the post of Junior Assistant of Gossaigaon College, Gossaigaon as per…
Impact of COVID-19: A Global Challenge
A three day online International Conference on “Impact of COVID-19: A Global Challenge which is organized by Department of Economics,…
Users’ Awareness Programme Nationala Digital Library of India in collaboration with NDLI-North East Regional Centre IIT Guwahati
National Digital Library of Inida (NDLI): Users Awareness Webinar held on 3rd July, 2020 organized by Gossaigaon College, Gossaigaon in…
Awareness Programme on use of online E-Resources
Awareness Programme on use of online E-Resources organized by Gossaigaon College, Gossaigaon in Association with Assam College Librarians’ Association (ICT…