Mr. Rwngsuma Brahma
NAME OF THE FACULTY Mr. Rwngsuma Brahma CONTACT NO 7002201379 E-MAIL DATE OF JOINING 10-05-2009 NET/SLET SLET, 2017
1. Qualification Qualifications Name of subject Name of College/University Thesis/dissertations Title Date/Year of Award 1. B.A Philosophy 2. M.A Philosophy G.U 3. M.Phil X 4. NET/SLET SLET 2017 5. Ph.D X 6. Others X
2. AREA OF INTEREST/HOBBY: 1. Book reading 2. Traveling
3. PUBLICATIONS: SI NO. Title of book/chapter Title of paper/conference ISBN/ISSN number year of publication 1 Seminar Paper Human Rights 2394-5230 Feb. 2016 2 Departmental Journal The Universal declaration of Human Rights: A Philosophical Analysis. Dec. 2016
4. SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS/CONFERENCES/FDP/IP etc. ATTENDED SINO. Name of conference/seminar/FDP/IP etc. Name of the Organizer dates from and to 1 Seminar Paper Presented: Understanding Gender Equality & Sustainable Development: A Philosophical Perspective. Gossaigaon College, Gossaigaon 26th -28th Aug. 2019 2 International Virtual Seminar: Vocal for Local Govt. Narmada College, Hoshangabad, M. P 15th Jul. 2020 3 1-Week international Workshop: Research Methodology Dept. of Commerce, Assam University, Silchar 13th -18th Jul. 2020 4 1-Week online FDP Govt. Narmada College, Hoshangabad, M.P 20th -31st Ju. 2020 5 Extension Education: NSS Program Officer: Special Camp at Ghugujhora Village. Gossaigaon College, Gossaigaon 5th -11th Nov. 2019 6 Seminar Participated: Mindset Crafting & Quotients of Mentoring Pedagogy, Yoga & Covid-19. Tezpur College, Tezpur 27th Jun. 2020 7 Seminar Participation: The Issue of Environmental Philosophy in the context of Covid-19 Pandemic. Barama College, Barama 8th Oct. 2020
5. ANY OTHER AWARDS/ RECOGNITION ACHIEVED: a) Co-ordinator NSS, 2018, Gossaigaon College.