Dr. Kumud Ranjan Basumatary
NAME OF THE FACULTY Dr. Kumud Ranjan Basumatary CONTACT NO 8876126979 E-MAIL kumudranjanbasumatary@gmail.com DATE OF JOINING 11-01-1990 NET/SLET X
1. Qualification Qualifications Name of subject Name of College/University Thesis/decertations Title Date/Year of Award 1. B.A/B.Sc History UCC, Barapani 2. M.A/M.Sc History NEHU 3. M.Phil History G.U 4. NET/SLET X 5. Ph.D History B.U 2018 6. Others X
2. AREA OF INTEREST/HOBBY: a) Book reading b) Traveling
3. Publication SI NO. Title of book/chapter Title of paper/conference ISBN/ISSN number year of publication 1 NEICSSR, Shillong Socio-Religious Reformation Movement of the Bodos Under Gurudev Kalicharan Brahma in the Early 20th Century 2019 2 NAIRJSSH A Discourse on Sal Timber Trading in Goalpara District & its Impact on the Bodos of Assam During the Colonial Rule 2454-9827 2020 3 IOSR Journal of Humanities & Social Science A Discourse on Origin & Antecedents of the Ruling Families of Obscure or Tribal Lineage 2020 4 KALA, Journal of Indian Art History Congress A Critique on the Histiry of the Creation of Tribal Belt & Block in Assam 2021 5 Indian Association of Social Science Institution A Treatise on the colonial Ethnographers Ethno-Historians Account on the History of the Bodos of Assam 2021
5. MEMBERSHIP TO ANY BODY/ORGANIZATION etc. a) Principal, Gossaigaon College, Gossaigaon